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Would you buy or rent?

The decision to buy or rent a house is something that will definitely affect your financial status, personal goals, and lifestyle.  Both provide you with shelter and require financial stability, and some level of effort to maintain. Homeownership is good however, not better than renting a house, even so, renting is not as simple as it seems.

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Renting a house is not throwing your money away, it is also good because it does not come with many responsibilities associated with home ownership. There is flexibility since you are not tied to your own house.

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The following are some of the key differences between homeownership and renting:

This means you have the flexibility to move when the lease ends without any penalties. You have a constant monthly payment, hence good planning. The landlord is liable for any repairs and maintenance

You have a constant monthly payment, hence good planning.

The landlord is liable for any repairs and maintenance
Provides a sense of stability   Helps build equity   Requires a large amount of financial leverage

Helps build equity

Requires a large amount of financial leverage

If buying a home will make you happy then go for it. But do you think homeowners are happier than renters or vice versa? Here at Rokay properties, we believe that everyone deserves an adobe that fits their affordability. Our team of experts is very adept in the real estate market and keeps abreast with the industry trends. They are committed to this adroit assisting you in making wise investment decisions when buying properties. For rentals, we help you identify and choose the best property matching your budget specifications.

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Would you buy or rent?

The decision to buy or rent a house is something that will definitely affect your financial status, personal goals, and lifestyle Share on Facebook Tweet

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Would you buy or rent? The decision to buy or rent a house is something that will definitely affect your financial status, personal goals, and

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